We have enlisted certain basic & advanced components of various types that you will be learning to code & interface with OST EKO open-source boards. Learning these components will help you in making projects and innovative solutions in embedded systems.

  1. LED
  2. RGB LED   
  3. LED Dot matrix array
  4. 16*2 LCD
  5. 20*4 LCD
  6. SSD – Seven segment display
  7. SSD Array
  8. Tact switch
  9. Micro-switch
  10. Touch switch
  11. 4*4 Keypad
  12. Analog Joystick
  13. DC Gearless Motor
  14. DC Geared Motor
  15. Servo Motor
  16. Rotary Encoder
  17. Stepper Motor
  18. Relay
  19. Solenoid
  20. Buzzer
  21. Serial RTC (DS2321)
  22. SD Card
  23. Sound sensor/microphone
  24. IR sensor
  25. TSOP based IR (TSOP 1738)
  26. Heartbeat sensor (pulse)
  27. Knock/Tap sensor
  28. Temperature sensor
  29. LDR – Light dependant resistor
  30. Humidity (DHT 11)
  31. LPG sensor (MQ6)
  32. Pressure sensor
  33. Ultrasonic transciever (HC-SR04)
  34. Accelerometer (ADXL 345, MMA7361)
  35. Gyroscope (MPU-6050)
  36. Potentiometer
  37. Finger print sensor
  38. Smoke sensor (MQ2)
  39. Alcohol sensor (MQ3)
  40. Thermistor
  41. Hall sensor
  42. Light blocking module
  43. Colour sensor
  44. Vibration (shock) sensor
  45. PIR Motion sensor
  46. Carbon monoxide sensor (MQ7)
  47. Level sensor
  48. Flex sensor
  49. ASK/FSK modules
  50. Bluetooth (HC–05)
  51. GPS (GY–GPS6MV2)
  52. PS2 Joystick
  53. DTMF mobile
  54. RFID
  55. IR remote (mini)
  56. NRF Transceiver

# We are adding many more components that you will be able to learn about, interface & code.